Friday, March 15, 2019

Empowered by Information

Since my confusing ob/gyn appointment where my doctor seemed to be trying to scare me out of a VBA2C (not pregnant, just planning) I have been scouring the internet for information. Not just positive vbac blogs and stories of VBA2C (successful & not) but also medical studies and ACOG guidelines. And I am feeling very much empowered by what I have found.

According to ACOG guidelines as a mother with 2 low transverse scar caesarians I am still a very good candidate for Trial of Labor After Caesarian (TOLAC). Especially since we want to plan for more than one more child. I feel empowered. I know I can bring this information to my OB/GYN when we have conceived and make my case as an informed and empowered woman who knows my strengths and my rights.

I am slowly making a list of things that I want (and don't want) for my next pregnancy and birth. I am backing up my choices with literature and case studies for most of my reasons. Let's face it, some of it comes down to personal preference and some women are more comfortable with certain things than others. I feel like I'm back in school doing an independent study course, and I plan to ace my final project.

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