Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Being Sick Sucks

Friday night my 2nd grader started throwing up. It was gross and the poor thing was miserable. He didn't start acting like himself again until Sunday night.... Monday night I started throwing up... It's Wednesday so I was hoping to feel halfway human by now but I'm still wrecked. Doesn't help my husband had to go out of town Tuesday morning (I was up most of the night heaving so I slept on a couch close to the bathroom). He'll be back tonight. I wanted to make the house not look like a sick person had been letting the kids run crazy but let's face it they have been. Too much video games not enough proper meals, fighting each other over everything. *Sigh* I'm barely coping.

In other news, I finally saw what true ewcm looks like, but considering I'm still a bit dehydrated I'm assuming "thick snot" will not always be an apt description. There was a lot. I don't think I've ovulated yet but it's hard to tell since my BBT is off from being sick. I was running 99+ this morning and didn't even take a temp on Tuesday. Time will tell I suppose. Hopefully this illness doesn't delay ovulation. I want to just get on with my cycle, not delay it.

Small update on my vivid dreams from the other day, one of my sisters announced that same evening that she's expecting 🤣

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