Sunday, March 24, 2019

Vivid Dreams

Been a rough couple days. Sickness, fluctuating weather. Sugar withdrawal. Ugh! Intrusive negative thoughts made a little come back.

Last night/early this morning I had a very vivid dream. I was pregnant with quadruplets! Then I gave birth to 3 of them but number 4 was transverse breech (laying sideways across the cervix). In my dream I kept repositioning them but every time I got them head down and I was ready to push they would flip back to the transverse position. It felt so real. So vivid, I woke with my uterus pulsing from the memory of it. No temperature spike in my chart to indicate ovulation yet though. And we've been super good about barrier protection so I'm certain I haven't conceived.

It's funny, the last time I had a pregnancy dream this vivid my sister called me 3 weeks later to tell me she was pregnant, and from her dates she probably conceived right around the time of my very vivid dream. So as soon as I woke up this morning I demanded all my siblings in our family chat room tell me who sent the the dream 🤣

It's crazy but when my dreams about babies and pregnancy are this vivid, someone close to me always ends up being pregnant. Only time will tell. I'll know for sure when one of them announces a due date in mid December. 🤷

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