Sunday, April 28, 2019

Weather, ugh!

The last half of April has been just ridiculous. Palm Sunday: 9 inches of snow. Easter weekend: GORGEOUS. Sunny, warm. This weekend: F-CKIN SNOW! What the fack is happening? Why can't we just have some consistent weather? I'm just nuts trying to figure out what I need to wear to go outside one hour to the next. It's making my head spin!

In other news I was hoping to have ovulated by now but no luck yet. It's entirely possible that me obsessing over it is delaying the process. I hope not. Probably just a late ovulation, not really late as I'm only on CD17 and I ovulated around CD19 last month but I had assumed that was a product of withdrawal from the birth control and my ovulation would be earlier this month. Guess not. Better get on the sexy love train tonight. Choo-choo! I really want to make a baby (or two).

I'm also dying to talk about it with everyone. But I know not everyone needs or wants to know the details of my sex life and my cycle. I am an over-sharer with these kinds of things and I've already shared with too many people that we are even TCC. But I'm just so excited and just want to gush about it every moment. To commiserate with someone who maybe knows how I feel. I should probably find a message board or something. Maybe find a like minded community where I can discuss methods, position, timing. All that.

If I ovulate soon I'll be headed for the dreaded 2 week wait all the TCC boards warn about. I've never had a 2 week wait as both my boys were unplanned. I'm not sure how well I'm going to handle this, I'm not known for my patience. Hopefully tracking my temps will help. I know they will drop right before a period if I'm not pregnant. My last luteal phase was about 11 days, I hope that's long enough for implant, it should be. I won't start worrying about that until at least 4 failed cycles.

And that's enough stream of consciousness writing I think. I'll drag myself into a negative cycle if I keep following that line of inquiry. I'm doing everything in my power to support my body in conceiving and that is enough. I am enough.

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