Sunday, April 7, 2019

A Step in the Right Direction

So I've been taking my waking temps for about 26 days now. It's become habit, even on weekends. I have an alarm set for about 615am every day, I don't even remember waking up to take my temp this morning but it was input into my cycle tracking app so I must have. 🤷 I was laughing at myself when I opened my app at 9am to put in my vitamin notes. I'm glad I'm making progress establishing healthy habits. In addition to taking my temps every morning I am also eating a good breakfast, taking vitamins daily, and I've weaned myself down to only 12 ounces of coffee.

Today I took another step in the right direction. I brought my Gazelle glider into the house. It has been languishing in the garage since last summer when it was just too hot to use out there any more. I've a plan in place for how to work it into my daily schedule and I am excited to implement more movement into my routine. Baby steps are still steps.

I'm trying not to rush myself but I really need to have a good routine in place before we start TTC next month. I refuse to let myself fall into the same traps I did the last time I was pregnant. Movement makes me feel good. Reminds me of how incredible my body is, even if it doesn't look like society's current ideal. I am strong, I am beautiful, I am worthy taking care of.

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