Friday, April 26, 2019


Well, I haven't ovulated yet so I know I'm not pregnant. It was fun to think about for a little. My cervix seems to have shifted position this morning so I may be ovulating soon, I better make sure there's sperm ready to meet my egg... If you catch my meaning 😉

Meanwhile I applied for a substitute teacher license today. I have really enjoyed being with the kids on the playground and I'm ready to see if I can make a go of this not during play time. I'm going to start by applying to be a para-educator substitute first, as I'm not sure I'm cut out for full teacher subbing right out the gate. I'm also considering taking a substitute teacher class this summer, I should see if my husband can accommodate that in his schedule. I'm very pleased with the way this is headed.i think it will be good for me. Not to mention the extra income will be nice.

Time to head off to work. Only 24 shifts left (25 school days left but no recess or lunch the last day).

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