Friday, May 24, 2019

Busy busy

It's been awhile since I felt like writing. So much going on as we head into the last week (partial week) if the school year. Trey had a birthday, a party, a field trip. Alex had a sick day and now a field trip. Work is good, but we're getting a new principal next year and I'm not sure how i will do the sub thing if the new person is not on board with me doing recess and subbing. Guess I could quit the recess and straight sub but I really enjoy getting to see the kids at their fun times. I'd miss it. Which is funny because for a long time I didn't want to do this kind of job, I was afraid of being overwhelmed by it. I'm so glad for the progress I've made with my MH. It's really amazing how far I've come in the last year or two, and especially the last few months since I ditched BC.

I'm hopeful that the end of school will mean I can work on adding an exercise routine to my day. If I'm gonna wake up at 615am to take my temp for my FAM chart I might as well hop on the Gazelle before the kids wake up! As this just occurred to me I'm suddenly very excited about adding it in the morning. I'll start this weekend!

Here's to the beginning of a productive summer!

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