Sunday, June 30, 2019

Summer highlights

So... My last post ended up being wrong. I didn't ovulate until nearly a week later, though I thought my temps said I did because I was used to that slow rise. I was quite upset about not getting the timing right and ending up with a longer cycle. I had terrible nightmares during my cycle, horror monster style stuff. But on cycle 9 I'm firmly into my next cycle and now I'm daydreaming about snuggly little bundles.

We bought pool passes and have spent a several days at the pool... Just the boys and I mostly as hubs is working of course. He's miserable, and ready to quit, and possibly going to just start driving a bus, maybe go back to school... All I want is a baby but he's ready for a new job, how can I be contemplating a baby when he may not have work? Or at least not be so firmly established. I'm kinda freaking out, it will probably delay ovulation again... Gah! Why can't life just be easy?

In other news: I wore a bikini in public yesterday! Big step for me. Trying to walk out all the talk I've been living. Living my best life in the body I have instead of the body I *wish* I had. It was fantastic. Nobody even looked twice at me, that I noticed anyway. Of course my thighs burned where I forgot sunscreen, but hey, base tan eventually. Gosh I was so pumped. Still riding that high.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Deja Vu

Started another two week wait. But between a sunburn and the a/c running and CW tossing around all night I didn't get very restful sleep last night and my temp is not tracking like it did the last few cycles. We didn't baby dance as much as I would have liked because hubs is so exhausted from work lately. I'm fairly certain I ovulated as my cm is dry/sticky instead of the wet/watery it was before. My temp usually takes a day or two to really rise to its new elevated level. Even with all the craziness of summer and prepping for the in-laws to visit (with not much notice for me) I feel hopeful for this cycle. My cm was increased, thanks in part to my being diligent about my hydration I believe.

Lots to keep me busy and my mind off of babies for the next little bit so it should be a quick 2 weeks.